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Clussys Joins OCP, Strengthening Collaboration with the Global Open Source Ecosystem


Recently, Clussys, a provider specializing in network system architecture design, officially joined the Open Compute Project (OCP), further deepening its collaboration with the open-source ecosystem. Going forward, Clussys will enhance technical communication with community members to promote the popularization of next-generation cluster interconnection standards under an open and unified hardware architecture.


The Open Compute Project (OCP) was initiated by Facebook in 2011 as an open-source hardware organization, and it is the most extensive and influential open-source organization covering global cloud computing basic hardware technology. Its mission is to achieve scalable computing through open-source hardware technology, providing efficient server, storage, and data center hardware designs.

Clussys is a provider specializing in network system architecture design, as well as high-speed interconnection algorithms, chips, and overall hardware solution design. We offer world-leading PCIe/CXL Switch algorithms, chips, modules, and low-power overall hardware solutions.

Clussys strongly supports for the concept of building an "open, standard, and unified" hardware architecture.

Dr. Li, co-founder and CTO of Clussys, said that Clussys is committed to building next-generation cluster interconnection standards under an open and unified hardware architecture.

Joining the OCP community holds significant meaning for Clussys. "In an era where computing architecture innovation is rapidly accelerating, we hope to contribute to open racks, cloud-native storage, and HPC server interconnection. Clussys will continue to increase its pace in the open-source field and strengthen collaboration with the global open-source ecosystem." Li said.